
Krispin Jennez Watson
Jul 13, 20222 min read
Listening to Your Spirit
One night this past winter, I was standing in line at the grocery store and randomly paid for a lady’s groceries one day as she ran outside

Krispin Jennez Watson
Nov 9, 20211 min read
Cracking the "Wife Code" ft. Ashely Brown
So Lux Life Podcast Episode 59 : Ashely Brown, Author of "Wife Code", joined me for an interview to discuss her new book “Wife Code”!

Krispin Jennez Watson
Apr 1, 20212 min read
Release Burdens That Don’t Belong to You
At what point do we stop taking on the burden of other people’s problems?

Krispin Jennez Watson
Aug 14, 20202 min read
"No Prayer, No Power" ft. Amber Morson
Episode 32: In this episode, Amber Morson joins me live and takes me on her journey to becoming an author, business owner, entrepreneur and

Krispin Jennez Watson
Jul 28, 20205 min read
From Jobless To Joyful—My Raw and Unfiltered Real Estate Journey
I FAILED MY REAL ESTATE EXAM. Like literally failed it. I was heartbroken because I am not used to failing things.