Our number one priority should be to care for our children. Being a mom never stops. You may catch an occasional break here and there, but you remain a mom for 24 hours out of the day and 7 days a week. This is great. We all love our kids. We love them so much to where we work ourselves to the point of wanting to give our kids more than we had access to, well at least that's how I work. We have to sometimes, take a step back and let some things go, so that we do not put our work before our kids.
Set aside a time JUST for you and your kid(s).
You should designate a time to put your phone down and turn off notifications. During this time, do not answer any calls, respond to any e-mails, or get distracted with anything related to your business. Whether you just take time to take your kids to the park or play a board game with them, it will help both you and your business because you have found a moment to get away from it all and regroup.
Set strict times on what your business hours are.
It is okay to put in overtime for yourself (because we all want to get in on making money), but we have to create and maintain mental boundaries for ourselves and stick to them. We can get so caught up in constantly thinking of how we can make our business better, or what we can/should do differently to benefit our brand. Setting strict business hours for yourself can free more time in your schedule to allow you to interact with your children. This in return, will grow great relationships within your household.
Give your kids (if they are old enough) something to do concerning your business to teach them about what you are doing and why.
Kids tend to want to be like their parents, so if you sometimes have to work a lot, them seeing you in action will help them to understand why your focus is sometimes on other things. I have a 5 year old daughter and a newborn son. My daughter helps my business by being my personal photographer. I give her my digital SLR camera that I shoot with for my blog, and put her to work. Granted, I do have to pull out the tripod and give her a chair to stand in, but for a 5 year old, she is a pretty darn good shooter.
Small tasks like the ones listed above can help you manage being a parent and a businesswoman. We have to learn to prioritize, with our kids being at the top of the list, and execute everything below it to the extent in which we are growing.
