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Mental Bondage and Soul Ties in Relationships

We have to stop allowing people to hold us captive through mental bondage. We develop these unexplainable mental connections with other beings, usually developed through emotions, and end up fighting with ourselves to get out.

Soul ties are real.

The persons you allow around you for extended amounts of time intertwine with your soul causing you to develop a "soul tie". You develop these natural connections with people you spend time with to where you sometimes know what the other person is thinking, you know if they are up to no good, or you may even be able to finish each other's sentences. It just a thing that happens when you grow with a person.

We must realize that we, and not anyone else, have power over our minds. We have the ability to change the way we think.

If you are thinking the wrong things, change the way you think. Start thinking of things that make you happy and make you feel a gratitude of unexplained satisfaction on the inside.

It is easy to get caught up in a mental battle with a person. You know, where part of your mind is telling you to separate yourself, and the other part is stuck on the thought of them always being there, the time invested, and the uneasy feeling of not having them around. This is what I mean when I say that we are allowing people to hold us captive in mental bondage.

Honestly, people aren't holding us in mental bondage, we are holding ourselves in mental bondage by banking on the "what ifs" and the potential we know is there but has not been displayed nor acted upon.

We have to start seeing people and situations for what they really are, and not what we want them to be. We paint these mental pictures based on the things a person has said, but we are looking past the things that they have shown us time and time again.

Start paying attention to actions instead of words.

Are you with someone whose actions match up to the things that they say? Or are you just waiting for them to turn into the person they said they would be?

We have to stop falling in love with the idea, and fall in love with the reality.

If the reality of your situation is not worth your time, then free yourself mentally and move forward with achieving some personal goals you have for yourself.

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