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Take Your Hands Off Of It

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt stuck? You wanted the situation to play out one way, but it seemed like everything you were doing wasn't changing the situation at all. Whether it be pertaining to jobs, relationships, or finances, we have to train ourselves to let go, and let God.

As much as we would like for things to go as we see fit in our minds, we have to stop trying to interfere with the plan God has for our lives. You should not try to force friendships or relationships to work. If God wants you two connected, He will make that happen. You cannot force people to do right, nor treat you right. You just have to take yourself and your emotions out of the equation, and let God work.

"He wants us to take our hands off of our situations..."

I was talking to my brother a few weeks ago, and he made the point that when you have a sore on your body, it does not get better by you constantly picking at it. You have to take your hands off of it, and let it heal on it's own. That is exactly what God wants us to do. He wants us to take our hands off of our situations, and let Him do the healing and the reconstructing. How amazing is it that we serve a God that does not want us to worry, and allows us to give our burdens over to Him.

Moving forward, when you find yourself trying to fix your situation, remember to take your hand off of it. Give it space, and give it time to work itself out. How can we really trust God if we do not trust Him with our problems? Philippians 4:6 says, "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."



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